The wonderful world of animals catches the attention of nearly every human being, no matter what age. While some would venture into the wild to sight the animals in actions, others would rather watch wildlife at its best on television, or then skim through the hordes of literature on them. Animals never cease to amaze the human psyche.
What follows here are some amazing animal facts…
What follows here are some amazing animal facts…
Apart from human’s even chimpanzees can learn to recognize their own image in a mirror.
A cow can give far more milk than a human can consume their lifetime. Any guesses? Almost 200,000 glasses full of milk!
While there are so many cows grazing in the world, no two cows will ever be found with identical pattern of spots.
A probable identity crisis we have here! Though named polecat, this creature is not a cat but a nocturnal weasel-species in Europe.
Is a zebra black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Any guesses? Well, it’s white with black stripes.
Talk about noise pollution in the jungles! A lion’s roar is so loud that it can heard upto a distance of five miles.
Cheetahs maybe large and fast, but when they roar they chirp. This sounds more like a bird or a yelping dog. Beware, it is loud enough to be heard upto a mile away.
The tusks of elephants grow through their life. The tusks weigh over 200 pounds.
Only the male Asian elephants have tusks.
The male and female African elephants have tusks.
The largest ever lobster to be found weighed 19 kg. It was found in 1934.
The largest recorded jellyfish measured 2,3 m across its bell. Its tentacles measured 36 m (120 feet) in length.
The largest giant squid ever found weighed 4 tons. It was traced in the in the North Atlantic in the year 1878.