Thursday, 15 March 2012


Dieting and weight loss go hand-in-hand, but successful weight loss does not have to include excess hunger or restrictions. Eating small meals throughout the day can help make a weight loss diet seem more like a healthy eating plan. The American Council on Exercise explains that understanding which foods supply adequate amounts of nutrients for health benefits will help you to select foods with the most nutritional value.

Tips on Dieting With Small Meals
Photo Credit Fruit salad in hollow watermelon and fruits image by Elzbieta Sekowska from

Eat Before You Are Too Hungry

Hunger often leads to overeating, so eat before you let hunger take over your healthy eating habits. On the other hand, it is important to understand the difference between hunger and appetite. Hunger is your body's physiological response for the need for food, whereas appetite is the desire for food.

Listening to your body's cues can help you determine whether you are hungry or if you are feeling the need to eat for other reasons, such as boredom, stress or during social events.

Focus on Balanced Meals

Even if you are eating smaller meals throughout the day, it is still important to have a balanced diet to ensure you are consuming adequate amounts of nutrients. One way to accomplish a balanced diet is by making sure that each meal contains healthy nutrients and aiming to incorporate most food groups into each meal.

For example, have scrambled eggs mixed with low-fat cheese and your favorite vegetables wrapped in a whole-wheat tortilla along with half a grapefruit for breakfast. For a healthy, filling snack, have yogurt, fruit and granola with a handful of almonds.

Incorporate Variety

Variety is key to ensure you are receiving adequate nutrients because each food group and food type delivers different nutrients. As you focus on making each meal balanced, try to vary the types of foods as well.

An article in "Women's Health" recommends consuming fruits and vegetables of every color because each color contains different phytochemicals, chemical compounds found in plants that provide health benefits. "If you're eating only red bell peppers, you're going to be limited as far as health benefits because you're not getting all those other colors," David Grotto, R.D. told "Women's Health."

Choose Healthy Foods

Part of a successful diet for weight loss is limiting excess calories, and eating smaller meals throughout the day can help stave off hunger and prevent overeating during meal times.

If you are eating fewer calories, it becomes more essential to choose foods that are packed with nutrients and energy because there is less room for "empty calories." Focus on choosing lean meats and protein, low-fat dairy products, whole grains and at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Control Portions

Controlling your portion size and calorie intake is essential for weight loss. Your recommended total calorie intake depends on your age, sex, activity level and weight-loss goal. In general, eating smaller meals throughout the day consists of five to six meals per day of 300 to 400 calories each.

*back into the abyss of death*

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